Climate Resilient by Nature Indo-Pacific Knowledge Hub

The Climate Resilient by Nature Indo-Pacific Knowledge Hub is building a community of practice and facilitating knowledge exchange to help make nature-based solutions work for people and nature across the Indo-Pacific.

Bringing together traditional knowledge and cutting-edge science and private sector innovations, we’re exploring:

  • The future of carbon markets

  • How blue foods can support food security while protecting and restoring blue carbon ecosystems

  • The critical role of indigenous and locally managed areas in powering nature-based solutions


Scaling freshwater nature-based solutions in the sub Mekong

This assignment was commissioned under the Climate Resilient by Nature (CRxN) Mekong Expansion Project. The CRxN Mekong Project focuses on the protection and restoration of the Upper Mekong River and floodplain ecosystem through the implementation of nature-based solutions projects in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Scaling Nature-based Solutions in the Mekong: Workshop Synthesis Report

This synthesis report shares key themes from workshop, including defining “scaling” within the context of NbS and who NbS are being designed by and for; How we can move from project subsidised to sustainable NbS; Policy and governance barriers and enablers; and Gender equality, disability and social inclusion.

Learning Program: Voluntary Carbon Markets in the Pacific

CRxN Partner Report: Deforestation & Land Degradation Barrier Analysis Report
(Catholic Relief Services, Timor-Leste)

This report details the methodology and key findings from a barrier analysis study conducted to inform agroforestry and climate change adaptation work in Timor-Leste.  The study allowed Catholic Relief Services to systematically interrogate six critical behaviours that were driving land degradation across their project areas. 

The findings have informed their approach to capacity development, behaviour change communication and community governance of natural resources.

Full Report

The State of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ Lands and Territories

This report, published in June 2021, provides evidence about the importance of ensuring the full inclusion of indigenous people and local communities in designing and implementing nature-based solutions to climate change.

Review of Nature-Based Solutions in the Pacific Region: Focus and Opportunities

This 2022 research examines recent and current NbS projects in the Pacific including: the current regional framework for NbS; key organisations and projects; NbS project trends by country, sector and habitat; and, design and implementation lessons with a focus on traditional knowledge and community participation.

Case Studies