Case studies and stories

Read our stories of impact and change below.

Ally Lynch Ally Lynch

Asking the right questions

There are lessons in developing a high-integrity approach to carbon projects in the Pacific region. One of the biggest, is the importance of approaching a conservation carbon project by asking the right questions and following a best-practice approach.

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Ally Lynch Ally Lynch

Blue Foods for Climate Resilience in Solomon Islands

Combining traditional knowledge with local and global innovations, local communities are leading the way in sustainable coastal fisheries management and ecosystems-based approaches to responding to the impacts of climate change.

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Ally Lynch Ally Lynch

Climate Resilient Reefs

Climate Resilient by Nature supports projects that harness the power of nature-based solutions to restore and protect critical ecosystems including coral reefs, mangroves, forests and coastal marine environments.

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Ally Lynch Ally Lynch

Nature-based Solutions in Vanuatu & PNG

The Australian Government, in partnership with WWF-Australia, is working with NGOs, local communities and Pacific Island governments to protect and rehabilitate biodiverse ecosystems, diversify livelihoods, mitigate climate change and develop sustainable carbon markets.

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