Developing High Integrity Carbon Projects in the Pacific:
Under the Climate Resilient by Nature (CRxN) initiative, WWF-Australia has designed a learning program to explore the question: How can carbon projects be developed to deliver benefits for Pacific communities?
The first workshop centred on experiences of three CRxN implementation partners developing carbon projects across Australia, the Pacific (focused on Melanesia), and Timor-Leste. Through a facilitated discussion between these carbon market experts and development practitioners, a variety of implementation approaches were explored and lessons shared.
The CRxN carbon market partners are: The Aboriginal Carbon Foundation (AbCF); Caritas and the Catholic Relief Service (Australia, Timor-Leste); The Nakau Programme and Live and Learn Environmental Education (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, PNG); Natural Carbon; Save the Children; The Nature Conservancy in PNG and Mai-Maasina Green Belt in Solomon Islands (Australia, Solomon Islands, PNG).