Welcome to the Knowledge Hub
The Climate Resilient by Nature Indo-Pacific Knowledge Hub is building a community of practice and facilitating knowledge exchange to help make nature-based solutions work for people and nature across the Indo-Pacific.
Bringing together traditional knowledge and science and private sector innovations, we’re exploring:
The future of carbon markets and opportunities for the region.
How blue foods can support food security while protecting and restoring blue carbon ecosystems
The critical role of indigenous and locally managed areas in powering nature-based solutions
Explore our latest reports below and filter by category.
Voluntary carbon markets as a novel approach to forest conservation in the Melanesian Pacific
In the third of our learning series we assess the potential of voluntary carbon markets as a novel approach to forest conservation in the Melanesian Pacific.
Voluntary carbon markets webinar series
What is the future of carbon markets and how they can be best developed to deliver benefits for Pacific communities? A series of CRxN webinars on carbon markets in the Pacific are now available for viewing.
Demand for High Integrity Carbon Projects in the Pacific
This report summarises demand side insights regarding Pacific carbon market projects from Plan Vivo, Tasman Environmental Markets, and the Carbon Market Institute.
Developing High Integrity Carbon Projects in the Pacific:
This report summarises lessons presented and a rich discussion involving CRxN implementation partners. The content was developed by WWF’s CRxN team, the Nakau Programme, Natural Carbon and the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation.
The State of Voluntary Carbon Markets in the Pacific
The State of Voluntary Carbon Markets in the Pacific aims to provide an overview of key factors for actors considering engaging with or investing in Pacific carbon market activities.
Impact stories
Learn more about our work